Products LG Transparent OLED 55EW5F LG55EW5F €21,923.00 LG Transparent OLED 55EW5F LG Transparent OLED displays are a groundbreaking innovation in display technology. Utilizing organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), these displays are capable of rendering vibrant and clear images while maintaining a significant level of transparency. Unlike traditional displays, when turned off, they don't appear as solid... Add to cart
Products Barco ClickShare C-10 Barco Clickshare C-10 €1,620.00 Barco ClickShare C-10Making presentations flow in medium-sized and large meeting roomsBarco ClickShare C-10 Technology can help to make meeting participants engaged, inspired, and active. ClickShare C-10 adds interactive features to full BYOD, easy wireless present in any medium or large meeting room. The C-10 is the wireless presentation hub that... Add to cart